Shipowners’ Protection and Indemnity Insurance



The shipowner’s civil liability for passengers and cargo, property or loss of life of third parties, civil liability for oil pollution, etc.

Scope of Coverage 

Any expenses payable by the shipowner as specified by the law or ordered by the court, including:

  • Clean-up costs, fines & penalties imposed by the local government and oil pollution claims.

  • Any costs and expenses relating to the raising, removal, destruction, lighting and marking of the shipwreck.

  • PTI is liable for the shipwreck only if the shipowner abandons the ship.

  • Any costs necessarily and reasonably incurred in averting or minimizing losses or making salvage efforts.

  • Any expenses related to civil liability litigation, disputes or complaints.

Any legal liability in respect of:

  • Any bodily injury or physical damage sustained by the crew members.

  • Wages and maintenance of the crew members as provided in the Labor Code in case of total loss of the ship.

  • Damage to bridges, ports, embankments, dams, sewers, rafts, bottom bracings, onshore or underwater works, whether mobileable or fixed.

  • Bodily injury or property damage sustained by other third parties (other than the crew members)

  • Loss of or damage to the goods or property carried onboard the ship, excluding any loss caused by theft or wear and tear.

  • Collision liability


  • Unseaworthiness of the vessel or operation outside the permitted areas.

  • Any willful act or gross negligence of the Assured or such executors as the Agent, Representatives, Master, Officers or Crew.

  • Violation of any ban orders issued by authorities or any illegal business activities.

  • The Master, Chief Engineers and Crew Members have not obtained proper qualifications or certificates or accidents occur because of the use of alcohol, drugs or other similar stimulants by them..

  • The vessel is anchored at ports or waters where mooring is not permitted or is not properly moored and tied up at ports or waters where anchorage is permitted or the crew member in charge was not present when the incident occurs.

  • Any other exclusions as specified in the policy wording.